What We Do
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Established in the summer of 2016.
Created mentoring guideline books.
Launched M&M website.
82 pairs of mentors and mentees (63 Penn GSE alumni;
96 current students) participated in 2016 fall.
80 percent of the mentees who participated in our survey indicated that they were satisfied with the M&M program.
More than two thirds of the participants said that hey want to keep working with their current.
Held a mentor leadership workshop.
Faculty who specialize in human development and mentorship were invited to give talks on improving mentoring skills.
Various tips on building successful mentoring relationships were offered.
Hosted a Penn GSE networking event and invited Penn GSE alumni and current students.
Alumni connected with students through round table discussions on topics such as practical, academic, and employment related topics.
2016-2017 Best Mentor Award.
Professional networking time offered.
Started collaboration with the Penn GSE Offices of Student Affairs and Alumni Relations.
Sponsored by the Penn GSE Student Government and and the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly.